Q: What are the major Family Connections’ events?
A: Thanksgiving Holiday Dinner and Christmas Holiday Dinner
Q: Who should participate in the Family Connections’ events?
A: USU-Logan campus’ International Students and Scholars and their immediate family members, and Cache Valley community families
Q: Could the events be hosted outside of Cache Valley?
A: For the safety of USU-Logan campus’ International Students and Scholars and their immediate family, we prefer that all activities and events be hosted in Cache Valley.
Q: The event is tomorrow. Should I still apply?
A: Yes. Please submit your application. Please text, call or email
Manijeh Nouraei (435-512-3218), usuifpfamilyconnections@gmail.com to inform her about your recent application.
Q: I have applied to and participated in the program. I would like to continue participating in future events. Should I submit an application for each event?
A: No. One application to the Family Connections program is sufficient. Do let us know if there is a change in your contact information. For each upcoming event, we will email you the announcement. Please respond to that email within the given time-frame if you are available to participate in that event. If we do not hear from you after that given time-frame, we have to assume you are not available for the event.
Q: What should I do if I am no longer able to participate in this program?
A: Out of courtesy, please contact us at your earliest convenience, so we can remove your contact information from our database.
Q: This is a great program. How could I be of more help?
A: Please text Nathan Hult – 435-764-1961, nathanhult@gmail.com
Q: Who should we contact for questions and concerns about the events?
A: Please text, call or email
Manijeh Nouraei – 435-512-3218; usuifpfamilyconnections@gmail.com